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360 ICT, gegarandeerd betrouwbaar

Windows 2012 R2 updates fail after fresh install

We’ve begun using Windows 2012R2 servers and i’ve found a curious thing. I’ve installed a fresh Windows 2012 R2 server on 14 may 2014, made an snapshot checkpoint and ran Windows update. As expected there were several updates available;

And optional;

I selected them all (except Silverlight as i think that shouldn’t be on a server anyway), installed it and press reboot.;

So nothing new here, all of us do this regularly i suppose. But after pressing reboot, it took a long time for the system to go down and normally a reboot takes just a few minutes so i checked again and found;


After rebooting a few times (i assume rolling back the updates) i logged back in and saw all kinds of failed updates.

I also found a event 6008 (unexpected reboot), so i figured something went wrong. So i reverted to the previous checkpoint and tried it again, but with the same result. I tried it at a different site in another datacenter and the same happened, although without the 6008 event (i recorded a video aswell, but that takes time to post). I have reproduced the symptoms on 3 different VM’s. The hosts are Dell PowerEdges, the hypervisor is Hyper-v Datacenter 2012 R2 so nothing weird here.

I suppose those updates are superseded by new updates or revoked or something? After updating 2 times more, i got the Windows 2012R2 update1, and after that some more updates and then finally no more updates available, so i suppose everything is in order.

But i can’t help thinking this is weird, i would expect;
– No failed installs. Why offer updates that will fail on install? The system has to download them, reboot, finish install them, failing the install, uninstall/rollback them. In the first case this even resulted in a system crash, and mayby a risk of damaged system files? I think is a serious issue with quality control at Microsoft. I think this is still an issue with the updates after the release date of Windows 2012. Read about that story hereherehere and another example here (you can see what feeds i read.. 😀 ). I would have thought MS had enough time to fix this as my faith in updates declines more and more.
– I’ve looked at a few of those updates and a few of them are rollup packs. But why download more than 1 rollup? The latest rollup should contain the last!
– I understand updating Windows systems can be complex and i expect a lot of people with more brains than me have though about this. But please give me a way to update a newly installed system without taking 4 hours of my time by pressing update/reboot. I know there are ways to automate this with System Center and auto install updates, but this takes time as updates are mostly installed during a maintenance window and if it takes me 4 install/reboots/checks, it takes 4 maintenance windows (so in most cases a few days) to update a newly installed system before i can configure the system. And do we really need 4 cycles? Shouldn’t it be the latest rollup and the post-rollup patches?
– Most of the time i want to run all the updates, but i find myself pressing for time and configuring auto update to update during the maintenance window, i.e. configuring the system before it gets all the updates. But with 2012/2012R2 this has caused me more wasted time because of all the bugs that aren’t fixed yet with the windows updates. Try to install WSUS on a not patched Windows 2012 server and find out you have to reinstall because of missing rights on the temp folder.
– MS wants us to have all systems up to date, don’t they? A 120 days support cycle is prove of that. So why make the update process so time consuming? If i let the system update itself during the maintenance window, it takes 4 days before the system is up to date, leaving bad guys 4 days to get exploit vulnerabilities!

And i can help thinking this can all be avoided by a proper quality control, so MS: Get your act in order!! 😈


Update 8 nov 2016: I think this is the core problem. There is probably one of the initial updates that solves this..



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