Cloud services
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Working in the cloud is the trend in ICT at the moment and naturally 360ICT also delivers these services. With our own servers we can provide maximum control with regard to security and stability. Your data and applications are safe with us. We will even guarantee this by means of our SLAs and various certifications.
Still, the cloud is not always the best solution. The advantages are obvious, but there is an equal amount of reasons to work locally. 360ICT duly realises this and therefore we are always willing to discuss with you whether or not you should opt for a cloud solution.
Especially topics like security and privacy deserve careful attention. With 360ICT as your adviser, you can make a well-informed decision about what you want to store in the cloud and what you want to keep locally. This often results in a hybrid solution; a combination of cloud services and local ICT.
Such a solution needs someone who takes on the responsibility and who coordinates everything. Because you and your colleagues should be able to continue work as efficiently and flexibly as possible of course, regardless whether you work in the cloud or locally. 360ICT takes on this coordinating role and also takes care of the implementation and the maintenance of your ICT setup.